Illustration & Imagery By Glasha Mandarinkina
Creative Glasha Mandarinkina produces this combination of illustrated pieces paired with photographed works which hold a personal insight in a small part of Glasha’s lifestyle. Each illustration has some connection with its paired image, like the morning tea and the quilt covers for example.
Buttonwood Farm By Jim Altieri
States based creative Jim Alrieri brings us this small visual working which has a charming summer running theme combined with a great location in Buttonwood Farm, Boston. The idea behind this piece is that all those involved with Carla Ten Eyck photography meet up once a year with their family membe
Life as Cinema by D-Yee
D-Yee is a travelling man, based in New York, this guy has been everywhere, from England and Norway to Iceland and Chile. The series shown below is titled Life as Cinema, following and documenting life as he jet sets off around the world. Although a series, these pieces don’t feel forced or di
Artworks From Aron Wiesenfeld
Aron Wiesenfeld a creative artist from Washington brings us a small collect of hand crafted artworks, which are pretty imaginative and eye pleasing. Designed in this vivid yet detailed styling Aron presents several scenes of child like characters which could be perceived as dream visions or active i
The Magical Number Seven By Impactist
For those who aren’t familiar with Imapctist they are directing duo Kelly Meador and Daniel Elwing who can be found in Portland, Oregon. The pair have vast experience in film production, animation, music and fine arts, so they pretty much have a hand in anything and everything creative, attrac
Imagery From Silvia V.G
German based Creative Silvia V.G brings us this beautiful, subtle set of imagery which is pretty classic and in my mind rather timeless. That’s not a word I use lightly or often, but I was taken a back by these still images. They are so full of life and energy, its evident these were captured
Photography by Li Hui
Wow. What a gem i came across this morning, photography by Li Hui. This girl is a true talent, using mainly a Single Lens Reflex camera to convey her message, she purposely under or over-exposes images to get a desired effect. Being creative and as experimental as possible. From research, it looks l
Imagery From Natasha Klimchuk
Why is it Russians allways seem to have such a good eye for image, perhaps we should pose this question to Natasha Klimchuk a talented photographer residing in Moscow. Today she brings us this collect of imagery which has strong influence from the great outdoors.
A View Of A 50’s Fair By Jason Wingrove
Australian film maker and director Jason Wingrove brings us another charming visual experience, this time filmed at a 1950’s fair held at Rose Seidler House in Sydney. Jason really does seems to have his hand in many sub societies and cultures, he’s pretty resourceful in the events he at
Drawings By Little Worries
These are the drawings of Little Worries, who has no name but lots of talent, so I don’t think anyone will mind. Based somewhere in the United Kingdom the secretive creative is a constant creator over on Flickr, with this distinctive sketchy style and surreal set of characters which you can he
Imagery From Mariell Amélie
London based photographer Mariell Amélie brings us a captivating collection of minimal photography which is precise and pronounced. Mariell creates a fine balance in her imagery with some great textures and patterns, her works have a fresh outlook bringing an authentic and original feel to the ta
Visual Working By Ivan Villafuerte
Ivan Villafuerte is based in Chicago and has been creating some great atmospheric, running visuals over the past couple of weeks. The staple for these projects is progressive imaginative audio which really does set the tone of each piece precisely, this combined with contrasting focus, and a selecti