November 2010

I really enjoyed watching this film by We Make It Good, a collective group of writers, curators, dreamers, and thinkers telling stories in spectacular ways through the varied mediums of film, music, art, and experience. This short film, titled “Build”, was shot in the hills of Millerton,

Director Joy Andrews who bases herself from Seatle created this short visual working over one weekend on a spur of the moment idea. Within one weekend Joy and her team casted, shot, edited and submitted the piece to SIFF film festival on the monday. A great example of some stunning cinematography be

I really don’t know too much about this creative, apart from the fact his name is Nico and he’s known as Chourmo online. You don’t need any background information about the Architect from Vicenza to see why his imagery has been brought across though, these looks are so fresh and al