Animation from Kaori Onishi
Japanese creative Kaori Onishi brings us this charming little animation that she’s created titled “When I Was Young” which draws narrative on the nostalgia of childhood experiences. This project really caught my eye as I crawled through the latest videos on Vimeo this morning, with such a crafted feel embedded within the piece I could hardly pass up the opportunity to bring this short across.
Kaori was born in Japan and opted to challenge herself with studying abroad, recently graduating here in England. I think she’s combined the minimalism of her Japanese roots with a tremendous amount of bright and beautiful colour in the project we have here, bringing a depth of both detail and texture to her work.
Although she has the skill set to work with both traditional and modern techniques Kaori has opted for an older style of animation in this project, which of course is wonderful to see. On a personal level I just think seeing the strokes of the water colours makes everything a little more desirable. You can tell that the artist has had to put hours in to create what we have here, and I’m sure you will all agree that not a minute of this time was wasted.