Conviction By Laura Kicey
American creative Laura Kicey always produces colourful and captivating collections of imagery which are unique and concept driven. Today she presents us with this set of photos of an old abandoned home which she stumbled upon whilst driving the back roads of the rural pennsylvanian town of palmyra. The house was owned by a lone woman who was said to have suffered with mental illness. The words written on every surface tell the story of a woman whose mental illness consumed her, as those who tried to help her became her imagined enemies and poisoners. Just from glancing through these you can tell theres a real history, and story here to be told about this location, and although its sad to hear the downfall of this woman Laura has caught some real character here. If you want to learn more about the story behind these you can read on over on Laura’s personal blog. To see more work from her follow the link to her website found bellow.
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