Lost Things by Angela Kohler and Ithyle Griffiths

The menswear related content is coming in rather thin today. But once next thursday comes along, the day NYC Fashion Week commences, it will be a different story, so stay tuned for all that action.

But for now, we have some other great design related inspiration, this one being a short stop-motion film. Although this was made earlier in the year, i don’t think its got enough recognition, plus it hasn’t been fired around the web really either.

So as usual, we take it under our wing, being the good sports we are. Check it out below, it’s creative, quirky and funny at the same time. It might brighten up your afternoon.

Starring: Alison Sudol
Music: Sleepwaking by A Fine Frenzy
Paper Cuts: Mr. Yen
Music: Butch Walker



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