Reflectivity, Light & Fading Colours – Abstract Canvases by Miya Ando
I’ve been contemplating the work of Miya Ando for a few weeks now, her artwork is quite something, the more I delve in to it the more I discover. Miya is half Japanese and half Russian-American who creates canvases and sculpture using subtle shades of colour that feature a gradient, usually flowing from top to bottom. These are based on themes of perception and ones relationship to time. But what’s especially appealing is that they are all created on sheets of metal, she uses rolled steel which is burnished and chemically treated.
Born in California, Miya spent most of her life in the grounds of a Buddhist temple with her grandfather in Japan and Northern California. She is also a descendent of Bizen sword makers and has carried this down the line by combining metals, reflectivity and light in to her abstract paintings and sculpture.
These technical skills are the sort that need to be admired in person, I’m sure they generate a different emotion that can’t be conveyed on screen. Either way, I urge you on to her portfolio to explore more and to take inspiration from her creativity in material and concept. I’m really impressed by how she’s been able to turn such a cold material in to a piece of art that looks light on the eye and has a spiritual sensibility. Enjoy.