Sklt By Marc Da Cunha Lopes
With Marc Da Cunha Lopes there seems to be a trend emerging, He creates another project and I create another post. His work is just too good right now not to be brought to our readers, he brings out of the box ideas into his shoots which just make you stop and appreciate the time and thought gone into organising such well themed pieces. Its out there and original, how many photographers can say that right now? I often find work that is fantastic but is nothing new its just been done better than the last, this is generated using the craft of imagination and is all Marc Da Cunha Lopes. If this isn’t inspiration for the aspiring photographer I really don’t know what is, so Im not going to talk too much on this post check above and below and if you like what you see head over to Marc’s site which is linked at the foot of the post.
Find more From Marc Da Cunha Lopes here