Walking in Memphis By Grzegorz Adamski

I mean this in no disrespect, but when comparing this to other pieces from Grzegorz Adamski this is one of my less favourite workings, and in my opinion one of his weaker selects. Before you go taking that out of context, this is just a statement to prove the point about how highly I rate Grzegorz Adamski ‘s credentials as a photographer, his work is still making the cut, Im still saying I think this is great and it should be seen by all of you, and I think he’s produced better in the past. In my mind thats a compliment, and if he himself thinks not then Im hoping Grzegorz is a forgiving creative, because Im a great admirer of his works. I do actually love what we have in front of us by the way, its engaging and a real easy on the eye selection of images which leave the viewer piecing together the rest of the puzzle in their own minds in the spaces Grzegorz has left blank for us. You understand as a viewer there is a underlying narrative that has been preconceived by the photographer, we are sat there and left to imagine the journey these two are on, the places they have been, the people they have met and the reason behind it all. I question those who argue that photography isn’t an art, creativity lies at the heart of the concept of art, The idea and concept crafted here is pure creativity tied with imagination from Grzegorz Adamski. These images however do not need a voice to argue these ideals, their visual character alone is more that substantial enough, so im going to stop typing so everyone can enjoy viewing. For more views of workings from Grzegorz Adamski head over to his personal page, which is linked below.

Find more works from Grzegorz Adamski here


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