Megan Whitmarsh Feature by TheCreativeLives
The unique artist from California, Megan Whitmarsh, recently got together with TheCreativeLives for a short interview. Megan uses thread to create complex characters, routed in fantasy and social anxiety. She draws inspiration from 1980’s American pop culture, also sourcing wild imagery from h
Playtime By Marc Da Cunha Lopes
Playtime by Marc Da Cunha Lopes is another collection of photography from the Paris based photographer that just leaves me with smile, every time he brings something onto the online platform that is unique, conceptual and oozing with style. His scenes almost always contain some sort of humor underpi
I Am Not An Artist by Matthew Cooper and Johnny Kelly
‘An animated GIF paranoia about nonstop design workers.’ It started with 56 animated gifs on a website, directed by Johnny Kelly and Matthew Cooper, aiming to create a platform in which young designers and creatives from all over the world can participate. It’s pretty easy really,
Projection Animation On Car
This is a stop motion video by reanimatr, who’s an art director, motion designer and 3D animator. He has basically took an image of a lorry and animated it in After Effects to a Blur vs. The Prodigy song. It’s only short but it will in no doubt brighten up your night. Not much is [&helli
Extraordinary Crafts – P 87
Camper asked Madrid based Advertising Agency Swing-Swing to produce some animated pieces to publicise their newest creations, A campaign was developed titled ‘extraordinary crafts” which ran parallel to the companies philosophy and set out to highlight the strength and the innovation of
Photographer Tim MacPherson
This is the work of Tim MacPherson, the British advertising photographer. His clientele list includes Honda, McDonalds, Nikon, Phillips, GQ and The Sunday Times. As you can see, Tim’s portfolio is bursting with conceptual photography, bringing forward a vibrant imagination to any project he pu
Trichrome Blue By Lois van Baarle
Created as a Final piece for graduation from Utrecht School of Arts Trichrome Blue is an eye capturing animation by Dutch creative Lois Van Baarle. Trichrome Blue is actually one part of a three part animated series and sets out to offer thought rather than material, in this section of the series we
A day in Paris by Benoit Millot
This is an animation video titled ‘A day in Paris’ by Benoit Millot, which was all shot on a Canon 7D. It looks like he roamed around paris shooting random scenes, for example at a zebra crossing, and animated a robot fitting into each situation. It’s a well done piece that’s
Sonar by Renaud Hallee
Some great work from motion designer Renaud Hallee, it’s an official selection of the Annecy International Animation Film Festival. The video titled ‘Sonar’ is a decompositions of instruments, cyclical movements and abstract shapes. I have to say i love the simplicity of the projec
Undone By Hayley Morris
Influenced by the grip of Alzheimer’s disease on her grandfather Hayley Morris created this conceptual stop motion piece which won best animated short at Slamdance, a famous independent filmmakers festival in Utah. Using textured and tactile materials Hayley creates a bed for the sc
Immersion by Photographer Rob Cooper
Robert Cooper is a British photographer and video artist, in which Wallpaper* got together with to talk about his newest film titled Immersion. Immersion has people filmed through a screen, in which a Red digital camera is embedded, he then takes stills from the footage and the extremely high-resolu
Good Morning Rachel by Christopher Hewitt
Christopher Hewitt is a self-taught London based Freelance Director, Designer and Photographer. He has 9 years of commercial experience, including working for clients such as EMI Records, BBC and the Discovery Channel. Good Morning Rachel is a voyeuristic short film peering in on the morning after a