Real, Remembered & Imagined – Wooden Relief Assemblages by Emily Forgot
Emily Forgot is a London based designer who has put her knowledge of the art, design and illustration fields to create a series of wooden relief assemblages that are geometric and bold.
Organic Abstraction – A Selection of Artworks by Polish Artist Magda Skupinska
Polish artist Magda Skupinska is a talented creative who uses a mixture of organic materials to incorporate shape and colour on to the canvas in this impressive selection of abstract art.
Graphical Language – Art Works by Danish Creative Kristina Krogh
With a background in Graphic Design Kristina set up her studio in Copenhagen and produces limited editions prints that have a simple, graphical language that is easy to decipher.
Exercises with Shapes – Screen Prints by Belgian Creative Obed Vleugels
Obed Vleugels is a Belgian creative who owns his own printing studio in the city of Mechelen and has been experimenting with shape to create these fantastic screen prints.
Beauty and Femininity – Abstract Paintings & Prints by Marleigh Culver
Originally from Virginia, now New York based artist Marleigh Culver works both in digital and physical mediums using playful colours and unique shape combinations in her work.
Geometrical Play – Abstract Prints by Kristina Sostarko and Jason Odd of Inaluxe
Founded in 2006 by Kristina Sostarko, later joined by fellow artist and illustrator Jason Odd, the duo have created a hub for their experimentation with graphics and illustration titled Inaluxe.
Studying the In-between Values – Paintings by Canadian Artist Scott Sueme
Canadian artist Scott Sueme has been painting abstract works of art for approximately seven years, using graffiti as a base to offer a slight twist in a more traditional medium.
Utopian & Dystopian Environments – Paintings by Artist Stephen Baker
Stephen Baker's works usually have some kind of architectural inspiration, hoping to create a dream like landscape that's defined by two distinct colour palettes, warm and moody.
Sectional Elements – Abstract Compositions by American Artist Ryan Tippery
American visual artist Ryan Tippery has integrated natural looking patterns with flat coloured block elements to create artworks that explore rational and intuitive ways of thinking.
Graphical Exploration – Paintings & Sculptures by Chicago Artist Cody Hudson
Chicago based artist and designer Cody Hudson works in a graphical way, making his work very powerful by using bold colours and shapes in unique ways that distract your eye.
Bold Shapes & Architectural Spaces – Collages by Dutch Artist Louis Reith
Louis Reith is a Dutch artist who is based in Zetten, Netherlands and has created this series of collages that are juxtaposed with bold shapes, architectural spaces, landscapes and other artefacts.
Joining and Intertwining – Hand Woven Textiles by American Artist Ruth Laskey
Ruth Laskey is an American artist that is based in California and is well known for her minimalist grid paintings and weavings, a series of the textiles we have decided to highlight here today.