Constantin Brancusi, Artist and Sculptor
Wow, this is why I love writing on this website, it's an amazing tool for us to research individuals that we admire and that fascinate us. Today I've taken the jump and have decided to talk about an amazing artist that goes by the name of Constantin Brancusi. I was led to his work by the one and onl
Ceramic Sculptures by Eva Hild
Over the last couple of months sculpture seems to have really got a hold on me, I've been constantly floating around to see what I can find online, and have been somewhat taken by the idea that an object can challenge conventional ways of thinking just through an abstract form. Which was why I was d
Murata Yoshihiko, Japanese Lacquer Artist
Wow. Incredible work by Japanese Artist Murata Yoshihiko who works with lacquer, this isn't a process that I'm really familiar with but I decided to root around a bit to find some information on this art. From what I found out it seems like Murata uses a maple wood to create these fantastic sculptur
Collection of work by Tapio Wirkkala
After visiting the studio of Mari Andrews in yesterday's post I’ve kept my nose to the ground in the search for another super creative individual and thankfully I stumbled upon the website of Finish designer Tapio Wirkkala. Now Tapio is unfortunately no longer gracing this earth since his passing
Mari Andrews Photographed by In The Make
We might of created a silly amount of content of our own over the years but we're ultimately big consumers and admirers of others work too. So this morning I'd like to highlight to you all one of my favourite spots to get inspired by called 'In the Make' which showcases various creatives in their st
An Interview with Toshiko Takaezu by D.B.Long
Now I know this film is slightly old but I thought it would be a great piece for all of you watch today, I haven’t seen it before and the views seem surprisingly low so I’m guessing others haven’t either. It’s a short interview produced by D.B.Long with ceramic artist Toshiko Takaezu, someon
Carl Auböck, In the Workshop
Hopefully this post will get you very very inspired, the photography featured here is pretty astonishing to say the least and I'm very lucky to be showcasing it to you all today. As you probably know from previous posts I'm a big fan of Carl Auböck and his creations, it's great to look back at thes
Collection of work from Jean Arp
I seem to be caught in somewhat of a nostalgic phase at the moment, focusing on creatives from the past that I admire, opposed to those that are still working away at their craft/design. I guess it's easier to appreciate somebody's creativity and flare when their life's work is over and you can sit
Collection of works from Alexandre Noll
We've both been quite taken with sculpture recently given the arrival of a new Alexander Calder book into the office bookshelf, the man was an absolute genius and a big inspiration to lots of you I'm sure. Casually browsing over his work last night I began to long to see other esteemed sculptors and
Stools, Sculpture and Objects by Alma Allen
Alma's been a massive inspiration for both of us here recently, somehow he's not featured on the site but today I've finally got round to putting together some nice imagery of his work and hopefully this small article will sum up what's behind his pieces and how he creates these fantastic sculptures
Ornaments by Nobuho Miya, Kamasada Ironware
I’m not usually one to bring across a small selection of items, I prefer putting together a post that’s more substantial with captions and all the relevant information. Today I guess is an exception, these ornaments by Kamasada Ironware really grabbed by attention from Japan and I couldn’t let
The Long 8 Chair by Natanel Gluska
This project was somewhat of a surprise for me this morning in that I was expecting one style of furniture and in the end I found myself admiring something completely different. Initially I stumbled across Natanel Gluska's freeform chair constructed out of fibreglass, which reminded me a lot of some