When Pottery Meets Design – Ceramic Collection by Taiko Amont for OKRO
All of the things here are my own opinions but the reality is most people are looking at design from one view point instead of inspecting from all angles. Many times we are only a few connections away, finding a vital breakthrough where all the elements can come together to create design that lasts. Usually that breakthrough is a fellow creative, a collaborative effort of sorts.
I was very much intrigued by this ceramic collection by Switzerland-based Japanese potter Taiko Amont for OKRO, a company who develops objects in collaboration with different designers. Architect Heinz Caflisch founded the platform after 15 years as an independent architect and interior designer. He is certainly a man of my own heart, knowing the conflict between craftsmanship and contemporary design and considering how crafts can be positioned in this current climate.
Working with potter Taiko Amont they were able to envision a modern twist on her pottery by using a flat black base and traditional shapes. I recommend you go on over to the OKRO website to see what other projects they are working on at the moment, certainly inspiring for me and hopefully inspiring for you too.