Changing Properties – Metalwork by Korean Craftsman Seung Hyun Lee
One thing I notice about most crafts is the tendency for an object to stay new and unweathered. I suppose in ceramics, furniture and glass production you are able to use treatments and techniques that mimic this kind of look, but metalwork is actually one field where this collaboration between object and time is really prominent and has to be catered for.
I think Korean craftsman Seung Hyun Lee has really mastered this ageing in the collection of works seen here and on her website linked below. The artist’s study has mainly been in Japan but she has also studied extensively in Seoul, where her studio now resides. Many of her works feature unique surfaces which have been purposely altered, changing when heat or force is applied. They are full of incredible textures that give them a unique depth I’ve not seen before.
Other elements that are intriguing are her use of connecting elements. For example the locations where she welds become actual features of the piece making them sculptural and unique. Anyway, I think the works stand out for themselves so click the link below to have a browse. You won’t be disappointed.