IBM Clock Film by Schoolhouse Electric & Supply Co
First and foremost when we’re out sourcing our latest content great design is at the core of what we’re looking for, beyond this scope it’s always the back story or concept that gets us hooked however. We’ve been admiring the work of Schoolhouse Electric & Supply Co for a little while now so when they sprung this video on us yesterday which provides added context to their work, the chances of it landing here were quite likely.
I’m sure not everyone will recall this but the blog network seemed to go a little crazy when the collective announced their collaborative product with IBM and their iconic 1960’s design. This film basically offers up the story of how this product came about and introduces the opinion of Brian Faherty (who founded schoolhouse) on this particular IBM clock.
I’m always intrigued to find further context to iconic designs as I think once people understand how something was put together it often inspires them to look at objects with a new perspective and perhaps imagine any improvements that they could make. So although this film is only short I felt it was worth bringing across onto the platform, as it might just provide that spark needed to inspire someone to take on a design project of their own.
If you’ve not come across the Schoolhouse Electric & Supply Co before I’d really urge you to head across to Mark’s previous post as it summarises what the collective is all about, who by the way are a fantastic group of designers. As a final note I’ve never been a fan of big corporations but you have to admit that IBM have worked with some fantastic designers over the years, perhaps most notably Ray and Charles Eames who are the most iconic of the mid-century modern era.