Short Film Introducing Beam & Anchor
As we pass through a period of good will and spirit, I wanted to showcase a short film I came across this morning that shares the story of a company that’s based around this very same community feel. Once again we are heading over to the creative hub that is Portland, Oregan as Matt Pierce introduces us to Beam and Anchor, the brain child of furniture reclaimer Robert Rahm who has setup a creative studio harbouring various talents, including painters, designers, and even a handmade soap specialist or two. It’s always great to see these types of companies being setup and thriving as I’m a great believer in working a job that you enjoy, so in many respects it feels natural to promote this.
The project itself actually includes nine individuals in total all working from the same workshop, a neglected building amidst the industrial landscape of North Portland which Robert and his partner, Jocelyn Rahm, purchased in the winter of 2011 and later restored to the beauty you will see below. The workshops which feature heavily in the video are situated on the top floor of the building, with a large retail space found just below. What I love about Beam and Anchor is they’re providing the foundation and support for so many different creative companies which is something we are immensely passionate about ourselves here with our own online shop.
Aside from introducing the bigger picture of the overall concept it was nice to revisit Wood and Faulk, a project that I’ve shared with you all here before on the blog. The owner Matt has obviously moved the project on since we last visited him and has been involved with this new community which I’m sure will bring him no end of inspiration and ideas. If he’s not done so already I’ve no doubt he’ll be putting together several collaborations with his fellow makers and designers in the coming months, and hopefully years within the walls of Beam and Anchor. I say this because I feel like this project has real staying power and I can’t wait to see how they will develop the studio further and get more individuals involved.
Working independently isn’t always easy so I’m sure this group really appreciates having a close network around them of support to help push the dream along. I’m rather lucky myself as I get to work with one of my closest friends helping to build a small community of individuals we really believe in also. Hopefully you can see the parallels in what we’re trying to do here as I think the next year should be a really exciting time for both of our companies. Why not head on through to their website and learn a little more after watching the video just below, I trust it won’t disappoint.