Yumiko iihoshi Porcelain
Even though we don’t necessarily work on weekends here I’ll still keep my eyes open for inspiration, beautifully designed objects and information that’s new and exciting in the design world. Sometimes it’s just luck of the draw to what you’ll find but generally I discover something that’s really intriguing or positive, I guess that’s the nature of the web right now, since it’s so big and so vast. Plus, so many creatives are updating their portfolios and making new websites everyday to highlight their craft, I love finding someone with a ridiculous amount of talent that’s been hidden away all of this time, it’s really satisfying to highlight their good work. But overall I think people really need to go back to handmade skills and use their talent in making or designing objects and products for everyday use, much like Yumiko iihoshi from Japan who’s pretty incredible in my opinion.
I don’t actually know too much about Yumiko and her background, which is a real shame because it would be interesting to see how she got to where she is and what has inspired her. As a maker it seems like she tries to create objects that are nostalgic and that are full of character, they have that quirky feel. For example in these shots above and below the look is very much basic in terms of form and simplicity, mainly taking inspiration from how a human uses and handles these items. She’s then teamed this up with a handcrafted look to each one by keeping the edges uneven, unlike a manufactured piece, and has used unusual shapes or textures to add an extra dimension to her work. What I also thought was inspiring about Yumiko was how she was originally all porcelain but now she’s moved into product design creating other simplistic objects like a stainless steel coaster, a light, and some glass tumblers, shows the variety of materials she can now experiment with. Another quirky item that can be seen closer to the bottom, both in and out of a mould, is the miniature cup which I thought was pretty unusual and added a nice touch to her portfolio.
As you can see from these fantastic photos she makes some absolutely wonderful products, I’ve also found out from another website that she’s recently opened up a little space in Jiyugaoka, Tokyo as a gallery/shop which is open 3 days a week. A small place where you can go and view her works and see this beautiful tableware up-close. For now why not head over to her website via the link below, it won’t disappoint and you’re sure to fall in love with the light and airy photography. I always envy the Japanese for how well they represent their products! Enjoy.