Short Film on Blacksmith Joe Elliot

Not too long ago Mark brought us a great little film from American boot maker Danner and today we are heading back their way for another short film about a blacksmith named Joe Elliot. It seems pretty logical for Danner to profile the work of Joe in this way, as both of their products are immersed in a consideration for mastery within craftsmanship.

Joe has been working as a blacksmith for over thirty years now and handcrafts quite a diverse range of products. Be it lighting, fireplaces, gates or furniture, Joe has the experience and the knowledge to overcome any issues in the creation process aiding him to concentrate on bringing his customers beautiful looking traditional cast pieces.

Based in central Oregon, Joe shares his creations though a number of his own shops so hopefully he can pass his skills down one day to continue on this great artform that he’s being sharing for so many years. Danner have done a great job in sharing some inspiring craft so far in this series, hopefully they can bring us more of the same in the near future.


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