Breaking the Archetypes – The Stove Chair Designed by Gabriel Tan
It’s interesting to see how the different movements in art and design have left a mark on some of the newer, up and coming designers, which in turn has inspired them to adapt these principles in to their own work. As my work mainly revolves around the handling of functional objects, the Shaker movement that was founded in the 18th century in England is one that really does fascinate me. This religious sect were especially focused on simplicity, utility and honesty, which for many modern designers still holds true in their principles today.
Gabriel Tan is a designer who examines craft, culture and technology to explore new ways in which we can break archetypes and produce designs that are able to transcend a particular time period. Picking the Shaker movement then for this compact chair titled ‘Stove’ was fascinating as even though the goal of bringing something from the past and pulling it forward was an obvious one, some of the design elements were a little less so. For example, the way in which this chair can be pegged on the wall and stowed away was an interesting take on how we use space effectively in a home.
Inspired by the shaker stove that was commonly found in home for family members to gather around, the shape of the stove itself is slightly triangular and came in a pure black metal. The reduction in design was calculated by the craftsmen and meant that this object could be slotted in to any home without clashing with other elements in the home. A very functional way of thinking. This chair by Gabriel Tan is slightly more sculptural than what the Shakers would have made in the past, but I think there is still a beautiful sense of craftsmanship that runs through this piece. Here are some of my favourite picture, more works by Gabriel Tan can be seen on the link below. Enjoy.