Layer Upon Layer – Side Table by Japanese Designer Shinya Oguchi
I’ve been an avid fan of the work by Dieter Rams for a long while now, using his Ten Principles for Good Design to dictate many of my philosophies and design goals. Actually, the poster in my office serves as a visual reminder to use many of these principles in my day to day work.
The 621 Table, which is produced by London based company Vitsoe, has been of particular interest lately. I admire the overall simplicity and the quality of the materials that they have used. I feel Japanese designer Shinya Oguchi has taken a similar approach with his side table titled ‘Layer’. It has a similar form but features a unique twist, moving parts!
This table consists of two sheets of 1.6mm perforated steel. The inner layer can actually rotate to expand the overall footprint of the table, as well as offer extra storage space for the user. It’s also interesting to note that the stainless pipe is not only a structural element but also an axis of the inner layer, so the table has more than one orientation. Here’s a few images from this project below, more can also be found on his website. Enjoy.