Salt and Rock Furniture Solutions – MMATERIAL by Fernando Mastrangelo
I’m always interested when creatives challenge the status quo and work in unusual ways. There’s something to be said for the way we manipulate new materials and the allowances we need to cater for. Many of these have been chosen and developed throughout the years to produce an object that suits its function, also taking in to account cost and production limitations, but for me it’s all about experimentation, especially in fields like furniture design where we’re very rigid with our choices.
Fernando Mastrangelo, co-founder of AMMA Studio, has been trying to buck the trend by using unique casting materials as part of his sculpture practice. This new project titled MMATERIAL is a mixture of outdoor and indoor furniture that’s been created using materials such as salt, sand and rock to create functional, minimalist solutions. Not only has been able to make work that functions accordingly, he’s also had the chance to use his sculptural prowess to create intriguing effects throughout.
Obviously I’m drawn towards the simplicity in the design, but I also like the way that’s he’s been able to use subtle techniques like fading out two different materials to keep it fresh and exciting. Hopefully this project will inspire younger designers to think outside the box and approach different materials to solve everyday solutions, even if they seem like they’ve been tackled before. Fernando is obviously focusing his full attention on this as a project for furniture, but I can definitely see this going further and expanding in to other areas as well. I will be following this closely as it develops in the future.