Imagery From Yoann Lemoine
For those who don’t already know him, Yoann Lemoine is quite a creative character and today I’m bringing you some of his photography that I’ve hand picked. I could however be bringing you any one of the following that Yoann is currently involved in, or recently has been: animation, filmmaking, illustration, advertising, singing, songwriting and screen printing, it seems like he’s done it all.
It’s hard to imagine cramming all of this in but somehow Yoann has managed to express himself within each of these fields to high levels. I know exactly what some of you are thinking, he must be a jack of all trades and a master of none, but you’d be very wrong to assume this as I think he’s quite the multidisciplinary. The guy just doesn’t stop producing quality pieces of work, he’s living his life to the full and expressing himself through any means possible which is really inspiring to see.
As you might expect Yoann is currently residing between two places, Paris and New York, where he mainly works in film direction. He describes himself as a very curious person who is always looking for new avenues of expression. Perhaps we should take Yoann’s lead and try something new and expressive, it’s great attitude to have in this life because you only get one shot at it.