Natural Forms by American Artist Matt Niebuhr
I (aboral side of test) Series: Dendraster excentricus (Western Sand Dollar)
It’s important for us to appreciate shape, pattern and form. Everything has a starting point and I find it interesting to think that most things around us have originated from nature itself. Even the forms that we now think of as ordinary in everyday life, a chair for example, must have been inherited from somewhere outside of ourselves as human beings.
Touching on a similar theme is American artist Matt Neibuhr, whose drawings are inspired by the minor details occurring in nature, hence his series titled ‘Natural Forms’. Seen here is a selection of his photographic work which has a goal of looking closer at nature to reveal the patterns of repetition and form that inspire much of his drawing work. Grouping these natural objects in such a way makes it easier to spot and compare such markings.
Now a professional artist with RDG Dahlquist Art Studio in Iowa, Neibuhr’s 20 plus years experience working in Architecture still informs a lot of his work today. His primary focus is the exploration of repetitive mark making which reveals patterns and textures of systems and processes. Matt uses simple tools such as lead graphic, straight edges and a parallel rule, setting out with a system in mind, then letting the system inform his work and the work inform the system (much like you would as an architect). I’m showcasing a selection of his photographs which serve as inspiration and study for his own drawings, but I invite you to view both his website and his tumblr page which he regularly updates with captivating works.
III (oral/aboral axis of test) Series: Dendraster excentricus (Western Sand Dollar)
II (oral side of test) Series: Dendraster excentricus (Western Sand Dollar)
XII (oral side of test – detail) Dendraster excentricus (Western Sand Dollar)
IX (oral side of test – detail) Dendraster excentricus (Western Sand Dollar)
branch, cross section #1 – side A Taxus brevifolia (Pacific Yew)
branch, cross section #1 – side B Taxus brevifolia (Pacific Yew)
branch, cross section #2 – side A Taxus brevifolia (Pacific Yew)
branch, cross section #2 – side B Taxus brevifolia (Pacific Yew)