Photographer Gautier Deblonde
Born and raised in France, Gautier Deblonde came to London in 1991 to work as a photographer. One of his most signifiant projects was “Boy” in 2001; he had the mission of documenting the creation and installation of the five metre high sculpture “Boy” by Ron Mueck into the Millennium Dome.
Ron Mueck is an Australian hyperrealist sculptor working in Great Britain. Originally a model maker and puppeteer for children’s television and films, he transitioned into fine art and began to create sculptures, faithfully reproducing the minute detail of the human body, but playing with scale to produce disconcertingly jarring visual images.
Ron Muecks ‘Boy’ grew from small model (the work began as a 38cm plaster maquette) to the huge sculpture seen at the bottom in the space of nine months. Mueck gradually increased the scale, working with large polystyrene blocks sliced into horizontal sections. He brought the boy to life by evoking bones, muscles and limbs. The eyes were cast in a football, and hair made with fishing line. Originally made for the Millennium Dome in London, it was transported in pieces to 2001 Venice Biennale.
The series won a World Press award and was published (Boy, Anthony D’Offay Gallery, 2001) as a accompaniment to Mueck‘s 2001 Venice Biennale exhibition.
If you want to know more about Ron Mueck, head over here. For more information on Gautier Deblonde visit his website at gautierdeblonde.com.