Admiring the Work of Sculptor Richard Serra
Over the Christmas period I came across the work of Richard Serra through an insightful book that follows his achievements over the past forty years. So I thought we’d mark this new found interest in his creations with a follow up post here on the site as some of his works are really quite astounding. For those that haven’t come across the American artist and sculptor before Richard focuses around a very minimal yet industrial aesthetic, crafting countless pieces which have been celebrated all over the globe.
As we can see in the set below, Richard has created his fair share of larger scale pieces which I think is something that really establishes any artist as a well known entity. When you can convince those in charge of cities to use their streets as a canvas you have to be considered on another level from your average creative. It’s quite obvious Richards projects pushed the boundaries of what had previously been designed sculpturally.
Alongside Robert Smithson the landscaping artist Richard took strong influence from his time working in steel mills along the west coast of America which later obviously held a lot of responsibility for the way he constructed his work. One of Richard’s stand out projects has to be the structure he created in Berlin which commemorates those that lost their lives to the Nazis’ genocide program. To reference such a historic moment in the timespan of the human race is quite something. So if you’ve got a moment after you’ve enjoyed these why not take the time to go research a little more about Richard Serra and the work that he has created.