Timber Products by Live Wire Farm
I've come across this small business before and I thought it was about time I added them into the archive, they also have some stunning imagery on their website which was definitely worth a showcase. This week in the office I feel the theme has been more of a natural one with lots of inspiration bei
Selection of Imagery from Carlie Armstrong
After highlighting Jennifer Causey and her Brooklyn Makers book the other day I came across another photographer that's passionate about sharing some American creativity. Tonight I thought I'd give her work a showcase here because I'm a big fan of what she's trying to do with her own project and fel
Objects by Ceramic Studio Vitrified
It's always a joy discovering new companies who have the same aesthetic as us, although you'd think we would be into anything 'minimal' or 'modern' that's not really the case. It's a lot more complicated than that and we seem to be getting very particular about the substance behind a project or busi
Wire Sculptures by Rodger Stevens
It's great when you come across artists and creatives who're doing something completely different to the trends that are already out there, I'm always intrigued by these new ways of thinking. Over the past year I'm positive that I've become more obsessed with form on the whole and the shape of objec
Japan Society: A History of Support
Naturally given the recent sequence of events the world has been rushing to the aid of Japan, and I’m sure many of you will agree this humanitarian concern is both refreshing and inspiring to see. The internet seems to be littered with creatives crafting new projects which hold raising money f
Colony Documentary Directed by Ross McDonnell and Carter Gunn
This movie titled ‘Colony’, directed by Ross McDonnell and Carter Gunn, documents a time of crisis in beekeeping world. The Colony Collapse Disorder has left landscapes of empty beehives all across America, threatening the beekeeping industry and our honey supply. Colony captures the str
The Music Room, New York by The Sartorialist
Scott Schuman shows off some good photography on his much famed site The Sartorialist. This series is called ‘The Music Room, New York’, which seems to give us a tour through a vintage house. I really like the paint peeling off the walls, the atmosphere, and also the youthfulness of the