A Represenation of Time and Space – Frames by Shigeki Fujishiro
Talented Japanese designer Shigeki Fujishiro has created these wonderful kinetic sculptures under the series name Frames, with his ideas being to represent both time and space.
Furniture and Interiors by Porro
I had a ball browsing through the Porro website last night. It seems to me that all the products have a nice look about them, possibly due to the result of the designers involved and their passion for simplification. This seems to be a common theme in a lot of furnishing companies, it’s more of an
Bruno Munari, The Man and his ‘Useless Machines’
If you’re a designer of any sort you’ve probably come across or have even read a book titled ‘Design as Art’, written by Bruno Munari. I purchased this book many years ago now and his thoughts and words have stayed with me, in fact it’s still sitting on my shelf today and I often refer bac