Freunde von Freunden interview Ole Martin Hansen
With all eyes on London as the Olympic games progress it looks like Freunde von Freunden thought it was the perfect moment to showcase some creative talent from the English capital, so today we visit the work of a young Norwegian who runs his own smokehouse in Stoke Newington. Staying true to four g
Short film on Aaron Rose and The Watts Towers
I was really inspired this morning by the story of Simon Rodia and his desire to create the monumental sculpture that is the Watt Towers in Los Angles with such a humble and workman like manner. I have to admit his name is one I haven't crossed paths with on the internet before today, however The Av
Collection of work from Jean Arp
I seem to be caught in somewhat of a nostalgic phase at the moment, focusing on creatives from the past that I admire, opposed to those that are still working away at their craft/design. I guess it's easier to appreciate somebody's creativity and flare when their life's work is over and you can sit
Crockery by Max Lamb
I’ve been meaning to post about Max Lamb for many months now, If I recall correctly I think I wrote a little piece on him a year ago which was about his collaboration with Dunhill on a chair. It was an interesting project but for some reason or another I’ve never got around to posting up more of
Collection of works from Alexandre Noll
We've both been quite taken with sculpture recently given the arrival of a new Alexander Calder book into the office bookshelf, the man was an absolute genius and a big inspiration to lots of you I'm sure. Casually browsing over his work last night I began to long to see other esteemed sculptors and
Handmade Tools by John Neeman
I've been making a few flying visits around the personal pages of creatives we've highlighted in the past today, with craftsman John Neeman by far impressing me the most. A few of you may remember we followed his filmed series in the past "a birth of a tool" which documented one of his remarkable ax
Ornaments by Nobuho Miya, Kamasada Ironware
I’m not usually one to bring across a small selection of items, I prefer putting together a post that’s more substantial with captions and all the relevant information. Today I guess is an exception, these ornaments by Kamasada Ironware really grabbed by attention from Japan and I couldn’t let
Vicki Grima, 87 Spoons Project
I've got the biggest admiration for the creatives that take one field or form and apply influences they've found elsewhere to create something truly individual and unique, which in turn throws conventional thinking on it's head. Australian artist and ceramist Vicki Grima snuggly fits into this brack
The Two Brothers, Erling and Egon Petersen
I went on a small furniture jaunt last night, checking out multiple design forums and blogs to see if I could find any new designers or interesting creatives. Usually I get a bit stuck because the internet doesn't tend to document the more obscure individuals, they're usually from Denmark or Sweden
Ceramics by Louisa Taylor
I thought I'd bring some ceramics into the fold today as I've been admiring the work of English designer Louisa Taylor and her dainty porcelain creations. I think the finest compliment I can pay Louisa is that her works remind me an awful lot of the understated beauty found within Gwyn Hanssen Pigot
The Long 8 Chair by Natanel Gluska
This project was somewhat of a surprise for me this morning in that I was expecting one style of furniture and in the end I found myself admiring something completely different. Initially I stumbled across Natanel Gluska's freeform chair constructed out of fibreglass, which reminded me a lot of some
Minuscule Chair by Cecille Manz
Browsing around this morning I found myself enjoying this short film on modern day designer Cecille Manz, who I have to admit I'm not all that familiar with. I was however really taken with her Minuscule chair design and given that Fritz Hansen who put the film together offer her work alongside that