Craft at Japanese Store Jikonka
As I'm sure a lot of you know from previous posts that I'm quite the avid reader, I always purchase more books than I can handle but each one goes in to my bookcase or office with the intention of being read. One thing I don't buy usually is books that are fictional, most of the ones I purchase are
Works by David Worsley, Dove Street Pottery
My fascination with Mingei, the folk arts, and craft in general has made me delve deeply to find individuals with the same thoughts and aesthetic as myself. As mentioned above, Mingei has set the tone ever since I read Soetsu Yanagi's book The Unknown Craftsman, Sori Yanagi's father, who examines th
Pure White Vessels by Takashi Sogo
Right, this is it. I promise today will be the final time this week that I showcase my favourite Japanese ceramic artists, to be fair it's quite easy to pick them out because there are so many good ones in that area of the world. As my final post I decided to pull out a specific series from one of m
Ceramics by Fumihiro Toda
Coming across great ceramics and pottery has been quite an easy task for me lately, it doesn't take long to find an artist I like whilst browsing a Japanese shop or website, this obviously gets me researching on the specific individual. Unfortunately when I arrive at their portfolio page they're usu
Ceramics by Jill Shaddock
It’s amazing to see such style and simplicity in makers situated on our own turf, unfortunately it’s not something that we come across here on a regular basis, but these works made by Manchester based Jill Shaddock are very eye pleasing indeed. I originally came across her works on the Snug webs
Shop Imagery by H Works in Japan
My latest explorations revolve around a trio of books that I purchased delving into the art of the tea ceremony in Japan and the concept of life over there in general. One particular book that has gripped me over the past few days was written by Junichiro Tanizaki titled ‘in praise of shadows’,
Ceramics by Naotsugu Yoshida
Looking back over the past few weeks we've been really spoilt in terms of creative talent, it brings me great joy uncovering all these individuals and hopefully I'll be shining a bit of light on them in terms of exposure. Today we're going to explore the work of Naotsugu Yoshida, a potter who lives
Inside the Studio of Japanese Potter Takeryo Kawaguchi
Today I've come across another special little feature that really grabbed my attention, it's an inside look at the studio of Japanese potter Takeryo Kawaguchi. He makes some incredible pieces like bowls, cups and tea pots so it's great to see the process and the environment that he creates in. He wa
Homewares and Lifestyle Imagery at Stroll Store
It's always great to see lifestyle imagery of ceramics, furniture and other objects as it gives you an idea of how these pieces function in a real world environment. It's something we're looking to add into our shop in the near future but it's quite hard to master, we've tried lots of options, both
Wooden Tableware and Sundries at Manufact Jam
Wooden utensils have been featured quite a lot lately on the blog, it's been great to see the different creatives who're making these pieces of art, in fact I don't think they're respected as much as they should be. To make items like I'm showcasing today is incredibly hard. I've been challenging my
Cups 2009 – 2012 by Stefan Andersson
Coming across Stefan Andersson's work today was deeply inspiring, the Swedish artist has an exceptional eye and has created some intriguing objects in his time. Most notably this new catalogue from a solo exhibition currently taking place in Malmö, Sweden. It's titled 'Cups 2009-2012' and features
Lacquerware by Toshio Fukuda
Here are some beautiful objects made by Toshio Fukuda, a lacquerware artist out of Japan. It looks like he's got an amazing eye for simplistic form in general, as with most Japanese creatives, and has been able to create some astonishing shapes that are both functional and very natural looking. This