Island by Ryan Walker
I came across this short film by photographer Ryan Walker earlier, and in watching it I really felt as if I was coming across an old friend. This might sound a little odd, but in saying this I mean through watching "Island" I returned to appreciating film as a medium in itself, something I've not be
Short Film on Wire Sculptor Rodger Stevens
It feels great to return to an artist, creative or craftsman and offer them a little further coverage, given many of these independents are on quite a personal journey with their work, it’s interesting to see what makes each one tick. I thought today we’d revisit the work of New York based Rodge
The Successor of Kakiemon: The Story of the Kakiemon Porcelain Dynasty
I'm not usually the one bringing over videos or short films on to the blog, Daniel, my partner in crime, usually has that base covered. He's got a great eye for sniffing out the best in the film department, whether that be on Vimeo or through other parts of the web. But today I think I might have pi
Quietus: a documentary
We find ourselves coming across pottery and ceramics each and every day now, it’s intertwined in to both our work and free time. As a few of you may have noticed in our sidebar and on the front of the shop we are in fact beginning to sell a few pieces here and there. What we don’t encounter too
Place of Hope, The Kasama Community and the Great Ordeal
When me and Daniel decide to showcase videos on the blog we're often wary of the length, as we know many people can get distracted when watching long pieces. Today I'm going to throw this rule out of the window as I point you towards a piece titled 'Place of Hope, The Kasama Community and the Great
Documentary on Potter Lisa Hammond
Before you begin this fine week with us I think you better put the kettle on and get comfortable as Goldmark have put together another of their awe inspiring documentaries following the work of a potter in the lead up to their latest exhibition. Today the creative we get introduced to is another Eng
The Moulthrop Family of Woodturners
I thought we’d look into the life of the Moulthrop family today as I watched this wonderful documentary last night run by PBS titled Craft in America which was deeply inspiring. The Craft in America series has been running for quite a while, but as a European citizen we don’t really hear too muc
Short Film on Sculptor Paula Winokur
We are consciously trying not to let ceramics and pottery take over, with an abundance of this type of content floating around the web currently it's a very precise balancing act to maintain. Something that doesn't come along every day however is an insightful short film that investigates the style
Coast Modern Film
We've been having a lot of fun lately searching up different pieces of architecture and reading lots of books about modernism in general. Obviously some of our favourites are past designers such as Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, Eero Saarinen and the almighty Alvar Aalto. But obviously we're not j
Herriott Grace Documentary Trailer
I always go through a short phase where I can't seem to find any inspiring films but usually some other type of content will satisfy my needs. Saying that, I came across this today on my hunt around the web and it instantly hit me that we've covered this fantastic duo before. Daniel previously wrote
Furniture Fit for the Kingdom
Today I thought I'd showcase this film that I came across yesterday morning, directed by Nathan Clarke it's a short documentary type piece on furniture maker Harrison Higgins. The Virginia woodworker describes his ideology and how he feels about making functional items out of wood, also we are guide
Ben Saunders: Living on Ice
Inspiration has always come in many different shapes and sizes for us, so I'm sure I won't have to ask for too much forgiveness from you all in sharing this short documentary on British Polar explorer Ben Saunders, as he prepared for his North Pole speed record attempt last year. Admittedly this is