Stoke by Stroke – Light Mark by Japanese Artist Kazuki Nakahara
This series titled 'Light Mark' is created using simple means, just a pen on paper. Without using a ruler Kazuki Nakahara repeats lines at the same angle and direction.
A Process of Deconstruction – Modern Remains by Takeuchi Kouzo
Taking a hammer to destroy a piece of work is often counter productive, but Takeuchi Kouzo has put this ideology to good use in his series titled 'Modern Remains'.
A Different Perspective – Points of View by Japanese Photographer Yusuke Sakai
Photographer Yusuke Sakai offers alternate perspectives on human subjects by locating himself in a unique viewpoint and waiting for each figure will harmonise with the surrounding landscape.
Experimenting with Time & Season – SAKURA by Yoshinori Mizutani
Photographer Yoshinori Mizutani has been experimenting with the theme of seasons in his most recent series titled SAKURA, adding motion and layering to nature to create depth and intrigue.
Black & White Lacquer Woodwork – Hiroyuki Sugawara for OEN Shop
A selection of new lacquer woodwork handmade by talented craftsman Hiroyuki Sugawara, who makes out of his studio Greenlight in Saitama Prefecture, Japan.
New Maker – Japanese Potter & Craftsman Akihiro Nikaido at OEN Shop
Based in Mashiko, which is highly regarded for its ceramic art, potter Akihiro Nikaido creates objects that stimulate all five senses, particularly focusing on the tea ceremony.
A Represenation of Time and Space – Frames by Shigeki Fujishiro
Talented Japanese designer Shigeki Fujishiro has created these wonderful kinetic sculptures under the series name Frames, with his ideas being to represent both time and space.
Walnut and Cherry Zabon Tables by Tomokazu Furui at OEN Shop
Handmade by Japanese woodworker Tomokazu Furui for OEN shop, the 'Zabon', meaning 'sitting tray' in Japanese, is often used in the tea ceremony to present sweets to guests.
Designed for Everyday Use – Japanese Designer Gen Suzuki for Industryplus
Industryplus combines experimental industrial design techniques with artisanal craftsmanship, producing functional objects at an obtainable price that are still beautiful enough to cherish.
Watercolours & Visualisations – Abstract Paintings by Satsuki Shibuya
Beautiful watercolour paintings by Californian-based artist Satsuki Shibuya, who uses a minimal amount of elements to convey complex and conceptual happenings in an abstract way.
Wa – The Essence of Japanese Design Book Now Available in OEN Shop
A beautiful book that focuses on everyday objects and interior design elements, 250 to be exact that help examine the intricacies of Japanese design and craft.
Experimenting with Light & Space – Conceptual Art by Tokujin Yoshioka
Tokujin Yoshioka has long been experimenting with light and space, creating some fantastic exhibits and sculptures to challenge the environments that we live in.