Garden People, The Photographs of Valerie Finnis
I stumbled across some fantastic photography from a book that records the English gardening scene, titled "Garden People: The Photographs of Valerie Finnis". The pictures in the book were taken by well known British photographer and gardener Valerie Finnis, renowned for her contribution to horticult
Still Life by Jody Rogac
A menswear designer we have always supported is Dana Lee, her lookbooks are definitely a high point and I love her fresh take as designer, she really has an individual aesthetic that's quite minimal and simplistic but at the same time nostalgic. This is translated well by the talented photographer t
Maurizio Zucchi, Life Among Cacti
I'm not one to check on women's fashion magazines, but Elle Korea did a fantastic piece on Maurizio Zucchi and his home so I couldn't help but go hunting for some imagery to present to you all. Mr Zucchi is the from the Zucchi company, a famous and well known Italian label that make luxury household
Nokia, HK Honey by Kiku Ohe
I’ve really fell in love with this short piece directed by Kiku Ohe as part of Nokia’s E7 Success Redefined campaign. It follows HK Honey, specifically product designer and founder Michael Leung, on his journey around Hong Kong as he looks to bring nature back into the metropolis. HK Hon