Simple in Design, Complex in Detail – Handmade Prints by Katie Ridley Murphy
A beautiful selection of work by American printmaker Katie Ridley Murphy, who arranges rocks, sticks and other natural objects until a pattern occurs that she can then respond to.
Hand Craft San Francisco – Photographs of Makers by Jake Stangel
American photographer Jake Stangel has been out and about in San Francisco documenting the makers of the area, including a sign maker, a woodworker, a luthier, and ceramicist.
Selection of Imagery from Carlie Armstrong
After highlighting Jennifer Causey and her Brooklyn Makers book the other day I came across another photographer that's passionate about sharing some American creativity. Tonight I thought I'd give her work a showcase here because I'm a big fan of what she's trying to do with her own project and fel
The Art Of Time By Martina Chamrad
Working on the internet in the way that we do from time to time you can reach the point where you get a little frustrated scrolling through reams and reams of uninspiring projects. We like to keep the site pretty niche and we know what we like so in many respects we can’t really complain. It’s j