Herriott Grace Documentary Trailer
I always go through a short phase where I can't seem to find any inspiring films but usually some other type of content will satisfy my needs. Saying that, I came across this today on my hunt around the web and it instantly hit me that we've covered this fantastic duo before. Daniel previously wrote
Lost Things by Angela Kohler and Ithyle Griffiths
The menswear related content is coming in rather thin today. But once next thursday comes along, the day NYC Fashion Week commences, it will be a different story, so stay tuned for all that action. But for now, we have some other great design related inspiration, this one being a short stop-motion f
Confessions on Life, Death & God – What’s Your Secret?
A great video from the same people that brought us Fifty People, One Question, this short film being titled “Whats Your Secret?”. They ask various different people what there darkest secret is, we get some interesting and weird answers in return. This is in collaboration with PostSecret
A day in Paris by Benoit Millot
This is an animation video titled ‘A day in Paris’ by Benoit Millot, which was all shot on a Canon 7D. It looks like he roamed around paris shooting random scenes, for example at a zebra crossing, and animated a robot fitting into each situation. It’s a well done piece that’s