Wooden Lights and Vessels by Laszlo Tompa
I'm constantly amused by the internet, you set off looking for one very specific topic and it often throws you completely in another direction. One thing I'm sure you've seen us mention previously is the fact we'd like to highlight more work here in Europe that takes on similar design sensibilities
Hand Blown Glassware by Sempli Design
How about we add some superb glass tumblers and vessels into the mix today. I'm a big admirer of functional items that serve a humble purpose in day to day life, often the ones we take for granted and that slip in to the back of our mind without a second thought. These tumblers by Sempli remind me o
Furniture Design by Marco Guazzini
Mark brought across some fantastic architecture yesterday from the good folks at Fujiwaramuro studio, I was especially impressed with their interior design and the general layout they opted for within the respective homes featured. There was a real emphasis put on generating a simplistic and natural
Inspirational Structures by Takeshi Hosaka Architects
Usually we're known for highlighting lesser-known independents who work on smaller scale projects. Takeshi Hosaka is quite the opposite of that, being a much bigger architecture firm who've worked on some big projects over the years, they're also recognised internationally for their good work (recen
Functional Items by SAITO WOOD
It wasn’t that long ago that I entered another small business into the archive named M.Saito Wood Works, and today it’s quite ironic that I’m placing another in called SAITO WOOD, which is quite close but not exactly the same. To be honest they’re on different sides of the spectrum but they
Ceramics by Clam Lab Studio
Ceramics and pottery haven't featured too heavily this week, which is a bit of a surprise, I feel a little like I'm getting withdrawal symptoms at the moment so I've been on the search for a series this morning to fill the void. Chance would have it that I stumbled upon the talents of Clair Catillaz
The Art of Steam Bending by David Trubridge
We turn our attention now to David Trubridge, one of New Zeland's most iconic and innovative furniture designers in an engaging short film I enjoyed watching earlier this morning. Created as a means to document the process behind one of the designers creations we are taken inside the company worksho
Craven Road Studio by Shim-Sutcliffe Architects
I've literally gone around the houses today, as I searched for a dash of architecture that would remind us the value of great design. I found myself quickly fascinated by the work of Toronto based partners Shim-Sutcliffe who have created a great number of mesmerising, highly functional, sleek dwelli
Inside the Billy Lloyd Ceramics Studio
Some of you may have seen that we're going to be changing quite a few things here on the site over the next coming weeks. It's fun seeing the development of the site that I started when I was a youngster, even to this day I still can't believe the changes that have been made and it's satisfying to k
A look Inside March Pantry Store, San Francisco
First and foremost when hosting imagery of stores here on the site our bread and butter will always be menswear. Yet saying this we're not ones to disregard the other beautiful lifestyle shops, like March Pantry in San Francisco for example which we're taking a look inside today. I came across their
Set of Ceramics by Martin Goerg
We're heading to Germany this morning but don't worry it's only on a virtual level. This time in aid of visiting the works of a ceramicist who's really impressed me recently named Martin Georg, so I've gathered up a handful of my favourite creations and have showcased them all below. The thing that
Excavations by De Intuïtiefabriek
De Intuïtiefabriek is a collective of four female designers, all graduated from the Design Academy in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Recently they've been working on a book titled ‘Excavations’ which gives an overview of a project that was launched at Design Basel last June. This project presented a u