Timeless – Sori Yanagi’s Flatware
In the realm of design, certain creations possess a unique ability to transcend the constraints of time and trend. Sori Yanagi’s renowned cutlery collection is an exquisite embodiment of this timelessness. Each piece not only reflects his artistic prowess but also serves as a testament to the
Japanese Tea Utensils at Kamon Engineering
My fascination with the Japanese tea ceremony isn't anything new, I suppose it comes from my general attraction towards the lifestyle and mentality over there. I also quite like the idea of Buddhism and zen, this is also a theme that I tend to see in other designers that I admire, it's sort of weird
Tortoise Life, A Look Inside
Every so often I come across shops that resonate with me and seem to be on the same wavelength as us who work here, usually these stores sell totally abstract functional products or items that I've never seen before. It's a pleasure to view objects like these seen here and it peaks my interest in de
Sori Yanagi, Kitchen and Tableware
Today I found myself exploring the life and works of one of the most famous product designers in Japan, Sori Yanagi. It was sad to hear when he passed away at the age of 96 late last year, but at the same time I couldn't help but marvel in his achievements and stature. An incredible human being that