New Feature – A Look Inside the Studio of Japanese Ceramic Artist Makoto Saito
Today we are pleased to release this feature on Makoto Saito so that we're all able to get more of an insight in to Makoto’s art and appreciate the design and skill needed to produce these ceramics.
OEN Update – A Visit to Misa Kumabuchi’s Studio of Mushimegane Books
A few photos from my visit to the studio of Misa Kumabuchi, a talented maker with a distinct style who applies different glazes to the surface of her pots using a sponge, brush, and even her bare hands.
Shino Takeda Studio Visit by Inventory Magazine
The good folks at Inventory Magazine recently put together this short feature on Shino Takeda, a creative we’ve discussed here before on the blog. I was instantly drawn to the photography and I couldn’t pass up the chance to share it all with you, it’s definitely worthy of your time today and