Crafting Beautiful Spaces & Objects – Hardware by Tasmanian Studio IN-TERIA
This is a project by Tasmania-based studio IN-TERIA that is lead by designer Karryn Dargie and architect Dean Baird who are looking to mix contemporary and traditional concepts.
Studio Snng – Shelving, Tables and Chairs by Designer Shengning Zhang
Furniture by Studio Snng, which is based in Brooklyn, New York is really great and full of creativity. Founded by Shengning Zhang, some of the solutions that he's come up with are really intriguing.
Textile Petals – Balance by Copenhagen Based Studio Gam Fratesi
Gam Fratesi was founded by Danish architect Stine Gam and Italian architect Enrico Fratesi, who have been able to mix the craftsmanship from Denmark with the modern style of Italy.
Shaping Colour – Coloured Glass Tables and Objects by Studio Germans Ermics
Both graphic and furniture design collide in his newest selection of work which has seen him travel in a totally new direction, producing coloured glass furniture that's minimalist and modern.
Formed Texture – Lino Furniture by American Designer Dough McCollough
American craftsman and designer Dough McCollough, who goes under the name of DMDM and is based in Los Angeles, has been producing this series of furniture and incorporating lino.
Moments of Imagination – One Object a Day by French Designer Guillaume Bardet
Guillaume Bardet, who between September 2009 and 2010 sketched one object a day, sourced the help of 14 local ceramicists in Dieulefit, a region in southern France, to produce them.
Local Craftsmanship – Modern Handcrafted Furniture by Egg Collective
Established in 2011 by three female designers, Stephanie Beamer, Crystal Ellis, and Hillary Petrie. Their company Egg Collective creates beautifully engineered furniture and lighting.
Manipulating Perspective – Glass Sculptures by Design Studio Os and Oos
Design studio OS & OOS, run and founded by Dutch designers Oskar Peet and Sophie Mensen, have tried to play with light in unusual ways with their series of glass sculptures called "Perspectives".
A Poetic Relationship – Furniture & Product Design by Catherine Aitken Studio
I've been particularly impressed with Catherine Aitken and her devotion to the creative process, incorporating handmade elements in to a selection of mass-produced products.
Natural Phenomena – Weathered by Norwegian Design Studio Kneip
Design studio Kneip, consisting of designers Jørgen Platou Willumsen and Stian Korntved Ruud, take a subject and explore it in more detail. This is a showcase of their Weathered series.
Moments Within Materiality – Works by Dutch Designer Sabine Marcelis
Sabine Marcelis coins her work "magical moments within materiality", a creative approach to the manufacturing process, using the constraints of industrial design to create new possibilities.
Balancing Elements – Drift Furniture Series by Eric Degenhardt for Böwer
This collection designed by Eric Degenhardt goes under the name 'Drift', where a combination of materials, such as glass and marble, are used to create a floating piece of furniture.