A History Of The Title Sequence by Jurjen Versteeg
I want to turn everyones undivided attention to this beautifully shot short from Dutch motion graphic designer Jurjen Versteeg which he has created in aid of his final year of study. The concept of the project is a quite fascinating one which derived out of creatives Jurjen has been influenced and .
Herbst Project By Clemens Wirth
I wanted to highlight the talents of Clemens Wirth to everyone this morning, the young creative is known for his fascination of macro projects. Today he brings us his latest working which is a title sequence created for a drama titled Herbst which releases in Austria early 2012. Clemens works always
OFFF 2010 Paris Sponsors Title Sequence
I know its pretty unusual for us to post a sequence of titles and this is partly down to the fact that majority of title sequences are boring and mundane. Not on this account though! director Julien brings us a real visual treat that couldn’t be turned down today, in the short montage below. C