Tom Sachs, A Selby Film
Tom Sachs is an interesting fellow, this video by The Selby below definitely captured my attention and really shows off innovation and creativity in its wildest sense. Tom is a sculptor based in New York, he is probably best known for his elaborate recreations of various modern icons, for example a McDonald’s that he built using plywood, glue, assorted kitchen appliances and a version of the Apollo 11 Lunar Excursion Module. I sense he has a slight fascination toward NASA and likes to work on space sculptures, you can see this sort of paraphernalia scattered around in his workshop and his office.
Personally I think Tom is quite the comedian, he definitely has a lighter side and even made me chuckle a few times whilst watching this short film. To compliment the film I would recommend viewing the photography of Tom Sachs by The Selby on their website. Watch on below.