Moments of Imagination – One Object a Day by French Designer Guillaume Bardet
I’ve been thinking about ways that I can progress my own skills and create timeless objects that can stand the test of time. It’s not easy to keep inspired on a daily basis, so the best way, in my opinion, is to be regimented and make creativity a priority. That’s why I was inspired by this work by French designer Guillaume Bardet, who between September 2009 and 2010 sketched one object every day.
After he finished Guillame sourced the help of 14 local ceramic artists in Dieulefit, a region in southern France, to produce them from clay. On his website he groups them in to separate collections depending on the season, so Spring, Summer and Winter. There’s quite a lot of objects to look through, but it’s certainly worth it. There’s sculpture, furniture, vases and other vessels, so I recommend having a browse.
This project shows with commitment and determination you can really make some fine works of design. It’s also great that he collaborated with local ceramic artists to achieve his goal, giving back to the community and the craftsmen individually as well. Overall a fantastic collection and I’ve placed a few of my favourites below.