Vessels and Spoons by Fushimi Lacquer Workshop
In the next few weeks we’ll have a brand new selection of lacquerware by Fujii Works arriving in store, I’m super excited as I’ve decided to extend the range a little and offer more goods in the lacquer department. I was originally nervous to include such a ‘niche’ product in our line-up, as you never know how it will be received by people, but considering we’re totally sold out of all the lacquer by Fujii Works it was obviously a big hit. Many over this side of the world are now proud owners of some special handmade pieces that have an abundance of character and warmth. In the future I’ll be looking to expand this area of the site and try to include new and exciting craftsmen in to the mix, I’ve already got a few up my sleeve and some others planned for the future. So keep checking the site over the next few weeks for the new Fujii stuff, you’re bound to enjoy it.
Today I wanted to highlight another talented craftsman that goes by the name of Fushimi Maki, specialising in making bamboo and urushi lacquer works. I’ve mentioned Fushimi Maki a few times, most notably his youtube channel that documents the objects that he makes step by step. For someone like myself this is brilliant to see behind the scenes, how you make such items, and also the intricacy and attention to detail. Not only are Fushimi’s works beautiful they’re also extremely well thought out and it’s only through touch and feel can he make something that can be truly connected to the human.
I’m not sure why but I’ve yet to showcase any of his works in picture form, today seemed like a good day to change that. Fushimi himself was born in Kanazawa-bunko, located very close to Kamakura, and he started his career by learning Kamakura-bori lacquer ware. After four years, he decided to head for Kiso County, a rather remote mountainous area in Nagano Prefecture, to work as an apprentice. His teacher was Sato Senro, a master who chose to make lacquer ware for daily utensils, and was quite strict with this way of thinking/ideology. After three years Fushimi established his own studio and moved back home to Kanagawa, where he still makes to this day.
As you can see above and below, Fushimi crafts lacquerware that you would use every day: they are not decorative ornaments or art objects. What I personally admire is the natural beauty throughout his works, you can tell he has a real passion for what he does and that attention to detail shows up in the final objects. To get a better context to these and the process behind then I’d urge anyone to check out his youtube account, you won’t be disappointed and it will give you a new found respect for lacquerware and how much goes in to them. You can see/buy a selection of works by Fushimi Maki on the website below as well.