Metal-Fabricator Neil Youngberg by Vita Brevis Films
This is a short documentary type film by Vita Brevis, in which they interview Metal-fabricator Neil Youngberg. The series titled ‘PROFESSIONal’ will be compiled of many more like this, I think we’ve just got to wait until they all release. I know i can’t wait.
I love it when people document craft, and when you get to hear from individuals with real knowledge and wisdom. It’s really inspiring.
Take Neil for example, he’s a 3rd generation craftsman, and he’s been through some extremely tough times. But his work prevails and lives on, everyday homing in on his own little niche.
Vita has a little caption underneath their film which really speaks for the whole series, they said, “A deeply personal project for all involved, this on-going series seeks to shed-light on forgotten trades and practices in an evolving America”.
Watch below.
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james spencer
What a beautiful little film,you could just listen to that guy talk about his work for hours. His passion and love for it just comes out in his voice and everything he says I only wish the “short” film was a little longer.
This post just made my day