A Brief Look at the Ulm School of Design, Photographed by Hans G. Conrad
I feel like I've put together a special little post for all of you today, content that I've not come across before and that has historical value in the design field. You may have come across the Ulm School of Design before, it's also been mentioned here on the site quite a few times in the past, and
Contemporary and Modern Objects from Craft Craft
Over the weekend I've had some time to question particular design thoughts that have been playing on my mind, it's not unusual for me to hit a stumbling block every so often where the thoughts become complex and I can't get my mind around certain concepts. One that I've been watching quite closely i
606 Universal Shelving System Designed by Dieter Rams
We're hitting a stage of design geekery this morning, yes that's right we're actually taking a look at some shelving! Now you may be thinking to yourself "what's so good about shelving?", well not only are the pictures great visually but it's also a highly functional design system produced by Vitso