Contemporary and Modern Objects from Craft Craft
Over the weekend I’ve had some time to question particular design thoughts that have been playing on my mind, it’s not unusual for me to hit a stumbling block every so often where the thoughts become complex and I can’t get my mind around certain concepts. One that I’ve been watching quite closely is based on ‘design dissolving in human behaviour’, at first I was a bit perplexed by this way of thinking but after a some research it actually makes a lot of sense and applies to pretty much all the things we talk about here in some way or another.
I feel like this is a starting point for an avenue I’m going to pursue down the line in greater detail, I’ve had the urge to design more structural pieces on paper and in model form, the next step would make sense as being architectural and even looking at whole environments, also how humans behave in terms of psychology. After some brief study my first port of call was a documentary on Carl Jung, a Swiss psychotherapist and psychiatrist who developed the concept of archetypes, which can apply to design in many ways. Lets face it, us humans have to interact with these items and our frame of mind dictates our perception, or the way we feel towards them.
One thing I’ve been noticing when handling items is how they blend in to the background and how they play a role in my life when needed. I own a small Dieter Rams Braun desk clock and it does exactly this, when I need to see the time it’s right there and is easily functional with the most simplistic look, but when I don’t it blends in secretly with my desk and doesn’t act as a blockage or an obstruction in my daily tasks. Even after all these years it could be classed as one of my favourite items to be around, it’s never let me down and is beautifully timeless.
A shop that I came across recently, named Craft Craft in Japan, epitomised this completely with their classic selection of objects, it also helps that a lot of these are from three of my favourite designers. You have a small group of Dieter Rams clocks, some Naoto Fukasawa items, and a vast quantity of Jasper Morrison works which is always nice to see in Japan. These J Morrison pieces are beautifully designed in all fields, whether it be cutlery or household interior items, his span is very wide and he covers the bases quite expertly. Craft Craft have also done a fantastic job with the photography, namely relating to what I talked about above with the idea of how the products play a role in our life. I’ve been trying to do the same in the OEN Shop, keeping it simple and using natural light effectively in everyday situations. It seems important to capture them correctly as if they would be used, defeats the point overall if they’re just placed in a studio under fake lights.
On a final note, before I leave you all to peruse the beautiful imagery here and the Craft Craft website, I’d like to welcome our first contributor to the website that is Diego Valiña. Over the weekend we released his opening article on Argentinian architect and furniture designer Alejandro Sticotti, and I think it’s a great read and offers something new, fresh and exciting for the blog. We’re looking for other contributors to add depth as well and if you think you’d like to offer up some knowledge or other thoughts on design I’d be more than happy to take you in to consideration, please email us through the contact page. Anyways, I’ll leave you to get on your way and enjoy these well-designed, functional objects.