Handmade Tools by John Neeman
I’ve been making a few flying visits around the personal pages of creatives we’ve highlighted in the past today, with craftsman John Neeman by far impressing me the most. A few of you may remember we followed his filmed series in the past “a birth of a tool” which documented one of his remarkable axes being put together. Today I noticed he’d updated his gallery section of his website to include a few new additions to his product line, so I’ve bundled them across for us all to admire and in your case hopefully share around.
Handcrafted objects like these are now becoming few and far between with the loss of the skill set required diminishing with each generation that passes. Thankfully John Neeman and his close friend Jacob, who is a passionate carpenter, still hold a defiant torch to this way of creating, with their range of handcrafted tools a great example of the quality that a handmade product can present. Personally I love the idea of owning an object that has had such dedication embedded at the core of it’s existence, after all it takes hours of hard graft to create something as refined as the items we have on show above and below.
Just from taking a short glance over the images we have here you can tell the maker takes extreme pride in every item he produces. You come to expect imperfections from unmachined production, however it’s difficult to find these individual marks on John and Jacob’s work which is a testament to the quality of their craftsmanship. They currently offer over ten different types of Axe and several styles of knife and smaller hand tool, with an abundance of vintage styles replicated in their portfolio.
If you didn’t catch either of their films previously they go a long way in highlighting the overall process that each of these tools would take in order to be created, I’d recommend watching these over if you’ve got the time. Alternatively for further information or perhaps you’d like to purchase one of these beauty’s you can head across to the Neeman tools website via the link below. Enjoy!