Where Painting Meets Sculpture – Artworks by Noam Rappaport
The modern era redefined what art is. No longer classic paintings and sculptures, it allowed us to find art in simple shapes and designs making for interpretations that defied the norm.
California-based artist Noam Rappaport has clearly embraced modernism, playing with shapes and colours to produce unconventional pieces that are minimalist and tidy. He combines painting and sculpture, using a variety of materials to create pieces that go outside the box.
His most recent works are studies of abstract art that use wood and other materials to provoke emotion. For instance, one untitled piece is a simple piece of wood that creases in the centre and extends out into a triangular form at either end.
We get a little more daring with Rappaport’s Neo Bop (Pink Halve) piece. This one features a salmon pink rectangle interrupted by a reddish pink square that hangs adjacent to it.The overall vibe is childlike and playful, something seen across every artwork and what is truly so inspiring.
Rappaport is clearly a master at combining unlikely elements, now creeping over in to sculpture to make works that hopefully transcend our time. Thought provoking and aesthetically pleasing. You don’t get much better than that!