Ceramic Works by Renaud Suave of Atelier des Cents-Ans
We’re taking a small break from pottery at our local workshop due to it being closed for a month, so I’ve been hunting around for some inspiration to tide me over. It seems like a good idea to keep a little workbook of ideas that could come in handy whilst throwing on the wheel. Although I have to admit I’ve been having trouble translating these forms that I visualise into physical creations, but I’m guessing that comes with time and experience. Usually I end up making simple tea bowls, but I’m hoping to move onto forms that are maybe more cylindrical or something like a teapot, which would be a longer project. I admire people who can make these complex pieces without hesitation or thought, also with full flowing confidence which is fascinating in itself.
This brings me onto this specific post with the starting inspiration being the interesting shapes and forms of the vessels featured. Take for example the small white porcelain Kyusu further down that’s traditionally used to brew green tea. I’ve seen these in all shapes and sizes but this is quite a nice one because it looks both fresh and modern, but it also has that essence of traditionalism about it. Something you can’t ignore in such a classic shape.
The potter who made these goes by the name of Renaud Suave, formerly a prop designer with cirque du soleil, but has now found his calling creating porcelain ware. He lives and makes in Irlande, a remote area in Quebec, Canada. Reading through the website and seeing studio photos I felt that a busy life had been left behind to focus on one that’s both simplistic and thoroughly rewarding. It was telling on his about page where he says, “he works to transform his clay, and perhaps in the process, himself”. Renaud also goes on to say about clay being one of the most ordinary and simplest found in nature, but thanks to its qualities this material can be shaped in to many different vessels. I think this a great way of looking at the craft in general and gives you more of an appreciation for the art itself.
So it seemed perfect for me to compliment my discovery of the work with some imagery from his website to get you inspired. I’d definitely recommend heading to the Atelier des Cents-Ans website to see what other imagery is on offer and to read his nice words on the place where he lives/works. A few things I’d like to point out is the simplicity of the items and the ‘no fuss’ mentality, everything is quite beautifully stripped down but has a sense of character about it. I also like the different photos of his workshop/studio space that definitely adds to the aura around Renaud, I just wish there were more to gaze over! Enjoy.