Japanese Lacquerware at TOKI no KUMO
Japanese gallery and craft store TOKI no KUMO has been a favourite destination of mine to visit, in fact I’ve wrote about them a few times previously here on the site. I usually check back every so often to see their progress as a store and get an eyeful of the interesting selection of products that they stock. Often rare and very unusual, especially for this side of the world. Even though I’m always on the look out for shops with inspiring content I often fall short, it seems like I’m very picky even when it comes Japan itself. Or maybe I haven’t come across the specific place that I’m looking for just yet? So it’s a nice change to see shops like this surviving and really showcasing some fantastic skills alongside a beautiful stripped down aesthetic. It’s the best of both worlds, function and character, you also have quality and craft in the mix as well.
One area that they seem to have expanded on a little is the lacquerware section of their online shop, adding a few artists including our good friends at Fujii Works who’re very talented makers indeed. As you all know by now I have a little fascination with lacquerware and the processes that they go through to arrive at the finished article, you can create some very beautiful works that tick all the right boxes. Such as being natural, also of high quality, and the longevity of each is quite astounding, the lacquer can make them last for a long long time (sometimes thousands of years). There’s just something about the craft that gets me excited.
Since they offer a nice range, something that I’m also trying to build in our own shop here in the UK, I thought I’d showcase a mixture of my favourite photographs that are online at the moment. Hopefully they’ll be adding more, so I’d definitely recommend to keep checking back for inspiration. It’s not often you get to view nice photography like this, seeing the little details that make each item totally unique and one of a kind. There’s not many stores out there that do it better than TOKI no KUMO.