Mobiles by Xavier Veilhan
I’ve discovered that it’s actually posible for me to create an interesting array of mobiles myself, in fact I finished the first one this week for my office and I think it looks fantastic. Great to see when the light shines in from the front window and the various levels create shadows of all different shapes and sizes, you should definitely try to build one yourself if you get some time. I used some simple wooden beads, light metal rods painted, and some extra strong string, it’s quite tricky getting the balance right but once it’s up it will stay in place nicely with a simple knot on each stick.
Unfortunately mine aren’t quite as good as these fantastic mobiles by Xavier Veilhan in which I came across today, he’s just recently finished a solo exhibition at the Neutra VDL Research House in Los Angeles. It was titled Architectones, basically an installation that Xavier has created for the Modernist house Richard Neutra designed for his family and architectural practice. You could see pieces scattered throughout the property, from the front garden through to the ground floor, even the rooftop reflecting pool. A few mobiles were created like these featured in this post but they were slightly more flashy in terms of colour, these ones I liked because they were simple but very striking, reminded me of my own one that I’ve been making.
The actual mobiles featured are mainly from an exhibition titled Orchestra, taken place late last year, and are produced using a mixture of carbon tubes, composite robe and aluminium. If you’re looking for a shot of these moving then you can head over to Youtube to see this mobile in action, I think this adds a whole new dimension to the forms. In fact I went to the Bruno Munari showing last week at the Estorick in London and I liked his transparent version a lot, at first it seemed quite static but when I sat down and stared all of sudden I started to see all sorts of interesting movements. It really started to trip me out a bit and was very inspiring.
This isn’t the only work that Veilhan has created over his lifetime so if you’re interested head over to his webpage on the link below, you’ll find many fascinating projects. You will also find some studio pictures from inside his workshop which is also amazing to see.