Natural Phenomena – Weathered by Norwegian Design Studio Kneip
As much as I’m inspired by work that can be produced on an industrial scale, sometimes when you log on to a design studio’s website all the projects feel very similar. I’ve even had problems distinguishing between different studios, which can leave you quite disheartened about by the design market in general. You often ask yourself, where is the creativity and craftsmanship behind this work?
This is why when I discovered Norwegian studio Kneip, consisting of designers Jørgen Platou Willumsen and Stian Korntved Ruud, I was really intrigued. I especially like the idea of exploring creativity and combining it with different mediums, such as woodwork, metalwork etc. It would of been quite easy to design simple furniture or objects, but they’ve been selecting a concept and then exploring it in more detail. They don’t necessarily know what will come of it, but it’s this exploration which paves a new way for others to be inspired by.
My favourite series ‘Weathered’, which is an exploration of natural phenomena. With this in mind they have created a series of sculptures that explore and illustrate the force of nature. This consists of five objects that react to things like humidity, wind, and gravity. Anyway, I don’t want to spoil it too much, but you should definitely visit their portfolio as each object has it’s own description and name. Oh, and the video embedded below is really great too, enjoy.